Temporary Work Visa

To obtain a temporary working holiday visa for America, the applicant must have a job offer from a company in the country. Different visas are given depending on whether you have a bachelor degree, are a skilled or unskilled worker, or are a trainee.

International Cultural Exchange

You also need an American visa if you have been invited to the US as part of a cultural exchange program. Visas for overseas working holidays of this nature are awarded for cultural exchange programs taking part in a school, museum or business where a cultural component is central to any training or employment. Cultural exchange working holidays visas in the USA, are given to those above 18 years of age and last no more than 15 months.

Domestic Employees

If you wish to work in the US as an au pair, nanny, gardener, valet or other household help, you can apply for an American working holiday visa under the domestic worker category. To obtain a working holiday visa for the USA, you need to present a portfolio of documents to the US embassy to support your case, particularly if you have any medical problems, a criminal conviction or have ever been deported from the country. Don’t let your plans for a working holiday in the USA go astray because of a mishandled visa application. Allow our team of specialist consultants to handle your case for your best chance of success.

US Visa Types

Aside from working holiday visas, the US offers a range of options for those looking to work in the USA:

Work Visa USA

There are close to 100 different categories of work visa for the USA. To find out some of the most popular options visit this page. Or use the free assessment to find your ideal visa.

Employment Based Green Card

An employment-based Green Card is the very best option for anyone looking to work in the US. Unlike other work visas, it grants permanent residency to eligible workers.

US Business Visa

A US Business Visa is another pathway to living and working in the US. If you are looking to invest or start a business in America, visit this page to find out your options.

Green Card through investment

A Green Card is the ideal choice for investors, as it grants permanent residency to anyone investing in an American business.


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