Business Visa Requirements
1. ONE Visa Application form to be filled out completely, and signed.
2. A valid passport for at least 6 (six) months from the date of submitting the application.
3. TWO passport size photographs to be attached to the application.
4. A covering letter from a registered company or firm based in The Netherlands and Yemen indicating in detail the purpose of the applicant's visit, and the company 
    or   firm stamp or seal be affixed to the letter.
5. A prepaid courier slip and a self addressed envelope are required for the return of the passport.
6. A copy of your Airline ticket with the application.
7. Letter of Permission from the Yemeni Immigration Authority, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tourist & Visit Visa Requirements
1. ONE Visa Application form to be filled out completely, and signed.
2. A valid passport for at least 6 (six) months from the date of submitting the application.
3. TWO passport size photographs to be attached to the application.
4. A copy of your Airline ticket with the application.
5. Reservation from tourist bureau  in Yemen.
6. Letter of Permission from the Yemeni Immigration Authority, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Please Note :
* Failure to  complete  the enclosed application form and to supply the apporiate documents can lead to rejection of the application.
* Please allow three to five working days for our consideration of your application,after with the visa will be reteurned.

* Diplomatic Visas are free. Non-Netherlands Passport holders must be in possession of a Netherlands residence permit.
* Netherlands Citizens originally from Yemen (who can provide documentation – ID cards, passports, etc) will receive their Visas free of charge.


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