The Quebec skilled migration class for Canadian immigration is an option for skilled immigration to Quebec, contrasted with the Skilled Workers Visa used in other Canadian provinces.
Both programmes provide points based routes for immigration to Canada, which offer permanent residency status for workers with desirable skills.
Under the Canada-Quebec Accord, in matters of immigration, Quebec takes a key role in determining which immigrants settle in the province based on their ability to adapt to living in Quebec.
If you wish to immigrate to Quebec but do not meet the requirements of this route, you may still be able to live and work in Canada permanently if you apply for a Canadian visa of another kind.
As a Canadian immigration consultancy, Global Visas can help you move to Quebec, and help you decide which of the range of Canadian work visas is most appropriate for your needs.
Whichever route you choose to relocate to Quebec, immigration consultants at Global Visas will provide a complete Canadian visa service taking care of everything you will require for your relocation to Canada, including immigration lawyer expertise, detailed information on how to immigrate to Canada, and much more.
As with the federal version of the skilled working visa for Canadian permanent residence, applying for a Quebec skilled worker visa for Canada affords unrestricted access to the domestic job market without the need for a Canadian work permit, a sponsoring employer, or a specific job offer.
Unlike the range of Canadian visit visas and tourist visas for Canada, this route is intended as a permanent Canadian visa for immigration. In accordance with this, no restrictions are placed upon the type of work that successful applicants may undertake.
Eligibility Criteria
The Quebec immigration selection system for this type of visa calculates a candidate's ability to become economically established and to integrate and adapt to Quebec culture.
Applicants must meet the minimum points requirements. Applicants bringing a spouse or common-law partner must meet a higher pass mark in order to gain a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ).
However, under this route, visa applications are still subject to assessment by the Canada immigration service body, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, (CIC).
CIC will require documentary evidence to demonstrate your ability to support yourself and your family and to prove that you do not have any criminal convictions.
We note many people who like this page also viewed Federal Skilled Worker Occupations to see if they were on the shortage skills list.
The Points System
Immigration visas for Quebec assesses candidates on the ten selection factors set out below:
Factor 1 - Education
A successful Quebec skilled working visa application awards points based on the level of education achieved by a candidate. Level of education is ranked in the following way:
- PhD. = Maximum points
- Master's Degree
- Bachelor's Degree (4 years full-time)
- Bachelor's Degree (3 years full-time)
- Bachelor's Degree (2 years full-time)
- Bachelor's Degree (1 year full-time)
- Secondary
Diploma (3 years full-time) - Post-secondary Diploma (2 years full-time)
- Post-secondary Diploma (1 year full-time)
- High School Diploma = Minimum points
Second Specialty
- Diploma (2 years full-time) = Maximum points
- Diploma (1 year full-time)= Minimum points
Favoured Training
- Points can be achieved for Favoured Training
Factor 2 - Employment
This factor is crucial to your Quebec visa application, and you must score some points in this category to qualify. Points in this section are awarded via one of the routes below:
- Quebec Immigration - Assured Job Programme = Maximum points
- Occupations in Demand
- Employability and Occupational Mobility = Minimum points
Quebec Immigration Assured Job program
This programme applies where a job offer has been made - To gain points under this route, applicants must:
- Be in possession of a job offer from a Quebec employer which has been approved by the Quebec immigration service authorities.
- Be able to satisfy the requirements of the position.
- Have occupied a similar position for at least six months during the ten years prior to the application.
- Commit to occupying the job on arrival in Quebec.
The programme also places responsibility on the Quebec employer who must:
- Have been in business for at least 12 months in the province.
- Agree to reserve the position in question for the applicant.
- Be able to prove that the position could not be filled from the domestic labour market and that a Quebec based candidate could not have been trained within the period of a year or less.
NB: The last requirement is not necessary for the following exempted professions:
Computer engineers (except software engineers), computer systems analysts and consultants, electrical and electronics engineers, machinists and machining and tooling inspectors - setter-operators for computer controlled machine tools, mechanical engineering technologists and technicians, software engineers.
Occupations in Demand
Shortage occupations present a greater likelihood of an applicant finding employment.
A list of such industries is provided below. In each category an applicant must intend to practice in the profession upon arrival and must have filled a similar role for at least six months in the period prior to application.
- Aircraft Instrument, Electrical and Avionics Mechanics, Technicians and Inspectors
- Chemical Engineers
- Chemical Technologists and Technicians
- Chemists
- Computer Engineers, except Software Engineers
- Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians
- Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Electronic Service Technicians (Household and Business Equipment)
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers
- Industrial Designers
- Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics
- Information Systems Analysts and Consultants
- Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors
- Mathematicians, Statisticians and Actuaries
- Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians
- Mechanical Engineers
- Other Professional Engineers
- Physicists and Astronomers
- Software Engineers
- Tool and Die Makers
For a full list of available careers, visit the official Quebec website at
Employability and Occupational Mobility
This category of Quebec visas for immigration assesses an applicant's credentials based upon education, work experience, age, language ability, time spent in Quebec, ties to Quebec and spouse situation. If a candidate is successful, the points are translated into the minimum pass mark for the employment section of the Quebec skilled work visa.
Factor 3 - Work Experience
Work experience is another essential area under the Quebec immigration selection system for visas for skilled workers.
It is worth up to ten points with a minimum of one point. Work experience must have been conducted within the ten years prior to the application.
- 5 years + = Maximum points
- 4 years and 6 months
- 4 years
- 3 years and 6 months
- 3 years
- 2 years and 6 months
- 2 years
- 1 year and 6 months
- 1 year
- 6 months (Minimum requirement) = Minimum point
Factor 4 - Age
Points are awarded for age, distributed as follows:
- 46 years or more = 0 points
- 40 to 45 years = Minimum points
- 39 years
- 38 years
- 37 years
- 36 years
- 20 to 35 years = Maximum points
- 19 years or less = 0 points
Factor 5 - Language proficiency
In Canada, immigration visas for workers with desirable skills consider candidates' ability in the English and French languages. In Quebec, greater emphasis is put upon the latter.
Points are awarded per ability for listening and speaking. This category can be worth up to 24 points:
French Language
- High (per ability) = Maximum points
- Moderate (per ability)
- Basic (per ability) = Minimum points
English Language
- High proficiency (per ability) = Maximum points
- Moderate proficiency (per ability)
- Basic proficiency (per ability) = Minimum points
French Education
- High School or higher= Maximum points
Factor 6 - Visits to and Ties with Quebec
Canada visas for Quebec immigration award points under this criterion as follows:
Previous Visits to Quebec
- Paid Work equivalent to at least 6 months = Maximum points
- Full-time training for at least 2 semesters = Maximum points
- Government approved internship of at least 6 months = Maximum points
- Government approved internship of at least 3 months
- Full-time training for at least 1 semester
- Paid work equivalent to at least 3 months
- Visit equivalent to 3 months or more
- Visit equivalent to 2 weeks to 3 months = Minimum points
Ties with Quebec
In this section, a relative from the list below must be a permanent Canadian resident or Canadian citizen and must reside in Quebec to be considered valid.
- Mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son, spouse or common law/conjugal partner = Maximum points
- Grandparent
- Other relative or friend = Minimum points
Factor 7 - Spousal characteristics
Spouse and fiancé immigration to Canada is permitted under this type of Canadian visa application and points are awarded according to the circumstances and skills of your spouse or common law/conjugal partner.
- Bachelor's Degree - 3 years full-time = Maximum points
- Post-secondary Diploma - 1 year full-time
- High School Diploma
- Favoured Training = Minimum points
- Second Specialty = Minimum points
Work Experience
- 6 months = Minimum points
- 1 year or more = Maximum points
- 46 years or more = 0
- 40 to 45 years = Minimum points
- 20 to 39 years = Maximum points
- 19 years or less = 0
French Proficiency
- Basic (per ability) = Minimum points
- Moderate (per ability)
- High (per ability) = Maximum points
Factor 8 - Presence of accompanying children
Points can be added to Quebec visas applications if children are included in the application.
- 12 years or less (per child) = Maximum points
- 13 to 17 years (per child) = Minimum points
Factor 9 - Financial Autonomy
This category awards only 1 point but it is an essential requirement of immigration to Quebec. Candidates must meet the minimum financial requirements for financial independence.
Factor 10 - Adaptability
Points are awarded for a candidate's ability to adapt to living and working in Quebec.
Points are awarded as follows:
- Personal qualities = Maximum points
- Motivation = Minimum points
- Knowledge of the province of Quebec = Minimum points
Find out further information on our Immigration to Canada page.
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